About Me
I didn’t grow up wanting to be a writer. Always an artist, I thought I would become a comic book illustrator, or graphic designer someday. Or maybe a filmmaker. But at the root of those mediums are stories, and as I began to create I found that I was more drawn to the writer at the core. It was tenth grade, one afternoon as I was coming home from school, walking across our front walkway underneath the beech tree that I decided I was going to be a writer.
Originally from Upstate NY, my family had always been Boston/Cape Cod people, so it was inevitable that I would make my life in Beantown. I’ve been a Boston resident for a total of over ten years now, my most recent (third!) move here being in 2012.
I hold a BFA in Writing, Literature, and Publishing from Emerson College (2005), with a concentration in Creative Writing, and an ALM in English from Harvard University (2018), where my thesis on Moby-Dick received the Director’s Prize at graduation. I also got to present it at the Graduate Symposium as well.
I mostly focus on fiction writing, but also work within other genres, including academic writing, copy writing, marketing content, book reviews, interviews, longform articles, and whatever else I need at the moment. You can find more of my stuff on my Stories & Articles page.
I’m currently seeking representation for a literary fiction novel entitled Reconstructing Lasky, and working on my next novel, about paramedics in 1970s Boston.
In 2012, I founded The Boston Book Blog, a website covering the city's literary scene. You can find the origin story over on my Boston Book Blog page.
Finally, I’ve started freelancing! Find out more about how I can help you with your content creation needs.