Jessica A. Kent
Fiction Writer | Freelance Writer | Literary Professional
Hello! I’m Jessica.
I’m a fiction writer, founder of Literary Boston, founder of Kent Literary Marketing, and a freelance content writer.
Content marketing strategy for authors, booksellers, and literary organizers
My Projects
Literary Boston is dedicated to covering and showcasing the Boston literary community.
Content writing and strategy for B2B tech, small businesses, and start-ups.
Now launching Kent Literary Marketing!
I just launched a business geared towards help folks in the literary community with
their content marketing. Head to Kent Literary Marketing for more!
I’m joining the Novel Incubator!
What an honor! I’ve been accept to GrubStreet’s Novel Incubator, a year-long MFA-level
program where I’ll be workshopping my novel about paramedics in 1960s Boston.
Learn more about the program here.
New published fiction!
“Maria’s Mixtape.” North American Review, Spring 2023.
Taking place in the mid-‘90s, my story follows a washed-up punk rocker
as she navigates rehab, using music to find herself again and
striving to repair a failed relationship with the
love of her life. I think you’ll like it.
Pick up a copy here!